Dandelion P. The Quakers: A Very Short Introduction

ISBN 978-0-19-920679-7
Автор Dandelion P.
Издательство Oxford University Press
Переплет книги мягкая обложка
Год издания 2008
Страниц в книге: 144
575 руб × = 575 руб


The Quakers are a fascinating religious group both in their origins and in the variety of reinterpretations of the faith since. This Very Short Introduction charts the history of Quakerism and its present-day diversity, and outlines its approach to worship, belief, theology and language, and ecumenism. The perfect introductory guide to this varied and growing worldwide faith. Places Quakerism in the wider religious picture and outlines what the future may hold for the group. Explains the origins and history of the Quakers: how they emerged from the social unrest of the English civil war, and how they have since gone on to have an influence way beyond their numbers. Examines their continued stance against war and their pioneering work for penal reform and against slavery. Illuminates the distinctive methods of worship, and how Quakers believe they achieve a direct encounter with God.